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Mercurius politicus, Number 204, 4th-11th May 1654 E.735[8]

in the Countenancing of the publick Congregations,
the encouraging of the able, painful and
pious Ministers of the Gospel, the removeall
of those that are scandalous, negligent, and insufficient,
and putting better in their places, the
preservation of the fundamental Laws and Liberties
of the Nation, and shall ever pray. &c.
From Brussels, May 10
The Duke Francis of Loraign with his two sons is
arrived here at last, he was met out of Town by
the Archduke Leopold and all his whole train,
who gave him with great civility, (the Complements
being first part between them) the upper
hand which he did in like manner when
he arrived at Court, where he was received with
open arms and other sufficient demonstrations
of love and and affection to each other: After
some short stay here; he is to goe to command
his Army, and in the mean time of his abode
here, he will get the acquaintance of the Officers
of the Army, and so by degrees the love
of the souldiers, who are said to be averse to
serue under him. The Spanish troops are upon
their march to begin the Campagn. They are
marcht towards Doway and Valcnckienne, many
suppose they are designed against Bethune or Bassee;
whilst that the French are imployed upon
their Confines and Borders, through the apprehension
of the English Fleer, which hath put the
people of Normandy, Britain, and Guienne into a
very great fright, that they do guard and watch
their Coasts, and have also fortified and reinforced
their Cities and strong holds with double
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