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Mercurius politicus, Number 204, 4th-11th May 1654 E.735[8]

guards; the better to prevent and hinder any
surprisal or landing that may be intended against
them. The general discourse here, now
the peace is concluded with Holland, is, of the
Treaty between France and England. Some say,
it wil take the same effect as that of Holland, which
would very much prejudice the affairs of the
Spaniards, if it should fall out to be so. Others
again say, that his Highness the Protector will
take the present opportunity which is so favorable
unto him to put in execution, the ancient
pretences of England to the Kingdom of France,
all things concurring to incourage him thereunto.
And of late it is said, there hath been a
Comet seen at Paris, with a long tail, which the
wife Prognosticators do conjecture, to be the
messenger of Warre, Sicknesses, and Miseries.
Here hapned lately a kind of tumult between
the Lackies and Footmen of the Lords of this
Countrey, and those of Forraign parts, but they
were presently parted by the Officers of the city,
who apprehended some of the chiefest of them,
and have had them Once soundly whipt for their
Here is great expectation of the publication of
the Peace, that the Merchants may safely venture
to revive their Trade.
From Deal, May 4.
Here are arrived a great number of our State-ships,
and the rest of the Fleet arc expected to
morrow. It is said, that this is appointed for the
place of general Rendezvouz.
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