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Mercurius politicus, Number 204, 4th-11th May 1654 E.735[8]

and provided, That all other goods and Merchandizes
(except Po[unr]oin corn, Victual, Arms, Ammunition,
Ordnance of brass ax iron, imported or to be imported)
not specified, or there is rated, should pay after the rate
of five pounds per centum, according at the same are
charged by the book of Rates, for the Customs to be paid
by the first buyer one shilling.
Be it ordained, and it is ordained and declared
by his Highness, with the advice and consent of
his Council, That the said Clause be null and
void, and instead there of, be it here by ordainand
declared, That all other goods and merchandizes
mentioned in the Book of Rates for the
Customs (except Bulloin, Corn, Victual, Arms
Ammunition, Ordnance of Brass or Iron,
and Wools of Sheep) imported, or to be imported
which are not in the said Rates of Excise,
before of o her wise Charged, shall here after pay
Excise, after the rate of five pounds per centi[unr],
to be paid by the first Buyer from the Merchant
or Importer, and the same is to be collected accordingly.
And to the end the whole receipts of the Excise
may be the better reduced into one cash, and
the charge and number of Officers thereby retrenched,
It is hereby ordained by authority aforesaid,
That from and after the twenty fifth
day of March last, the Revenue of the Excite
shall be but one Receipt, and so accompted for,
and that all receipts and accompts heretofore
taken or kept of any payments of Excise or new
Impost, by vertue of any Addition Act, Ordinance,
or Order of Parliament, and designed
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