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Mercurius politicus, Number 204, 4th-11th May 1654 E.735[8]

to any separate use or uses whatsoever, shall
from thenceforth cease and be void, and be
brought and reduced to one general Cash, and
publike Revenue, Provided nevertheless, that
the moyety of all fines and forfeitures, imposed
and received since the twenty fifth of March last
[unr] that hereafter shall be imposed and received
shall be still kept in an Accompt apart, and be
paid out towards the maintenance of widows
and maimed Souldiers, according to Ordinance
of Parliament of the thirteenth of July, one
thousand six hundred and forty seven.
And it is here by for the further relief of the said
Widows and maimed Souldiers, ordained, That
from, and after the said five and twentieth day
of March last, there shill be, out of the general
cash and Revenue of the Excise, allowed the
certain yearly film of twenty six thousand two
hundred sixty pounds, to be paid weekly by
equal portions out of the said publique Receipt
unto such person or persons as is, are, or
shall be appointed thereunto by his Highness
and His Council, and be intruded for imploying
and disposing thereof to the use aforesaid.
Which said yearly summ of twenty six thousand
two hundred and sixty pounds is to be in
lieu of all and every summ and summs of money
assigned by any Act, Ordinance or Order
of Parliament out of any the Receipts of
the Excise, for the Relief of the said Widdows
and maimed Soldiers, other then the Moiety
of Fines and Forfeitures before excepted;
and the prefect Commissioners of the Excise, or
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